Stats for Sept 2024
Overall Stock Out = 2258.9Kg, 18.38 of which was damaged/OOD. That’s another increase about 150Kg more than last month, which was 600Kg more than the previous month!
Overall Stock In = 1057.82, of which 397.24Kg was purchased from Tesco meaning that we received 660.58Kg in donations. This is a fall of around 450Kg on last month which was less than the previous month.
Our Balance on the 30th Sept was 3903.55Kg, which is a fall of around 800Kg for the month.
Stock Out to our DC’s
MSN 371.66Kg 115Kg more than last month
Paulton 351.40Kg 130Kg more than last month
PSJ 715.88Kg 25Kg more than last month
Radstock 799Kg 95Kg less than last month
Top 5 donors for Sept
Tesco MSN 400.26Kg
Sainsbury MSN 143.64Kg
Co-Op Chilcompton 61.46Kg
St Josephs 60.8Kg
MSN Methodist 49.58Kg